Thursday, February 26, 2015

freedom of speech but not really -Charlie Hebdo

Three gun men came into a French magazine office and killed twelve people including two officers, all over a caricature of Prophet Muhammad. I think the publishers should have thought twice about publishing it especially since they had already came into the office before with a fire bomb. Yes, its freedom of speech but do you really want to lose your life over "freedom of speech", especially when the group of people have already clearly showed you that they are not scared to take your life. I don’t think that it is right that people have to watch what they say because other people cannot handle someone freely speaking their mind, especially when they do not like what the other person is saying, the gunmen took it to the extreme, but in some countries they do not and cannot handle such things as freedom of speech. So they handle things in this kind of horrible way. I guess in this case "if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all" .

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